It all began on the Winter Equinox of 2021. This Slouchy Bird Toque hat design had been on my mental back burner for two years.
A little back story...
Gwendolyne Hats began in 1991 after creating a Sinterclaus gift for someone. I was hooked to making hats after that. The creation of a hat for another individual carries a great deal of love and passion. To me a hat is a crown for someone’s protection, identity and of course fashion style. I lean towards the first two. My website to see more of my work is Gwendolyne Hats
In the Fall of 2012, I closed my brick and mortar studio shop that was in 401 Richmond building here in Toronto. It is a hub of creative minds, and businesses with the whole purpose of doing good in the world. I thrived in that location and so when it was time to close that door I needed to reinvent my life.
I entered the film industry in 2013 becoming a Costumer. Here I work with others bringing to life the clothing to the film production. It’s not so much a creative job as it is a team sport. Working together with others to create a final entertainment experience.
Gwendolyne Hats did not go away, it just took a hiatus.
The shop will be open till the end of this March 2022 and will reopen with hats end of September 2022. So if you love what you see you still have time to pick one up for yourself.